
What is hypertrichosis? »Its definition and meaning


Hypertrichosis is also known as syndrome the man Wolf, is a very unusual condition, as evidenced by the growth of an excessive amount of the hairs. Individuals who suffer from this strange disease have the body completely covered with hair, except on the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet, there are different types of hair and these can be dense and long, which in certain cases can measure up to more than 25 centimeters long. This disease can appear in a localized way or in a generalized way in the body. There are several favorable options for the treatment of hypertrichosis, this is not a dangerous condition and can be left untreated.

There are different disparities of hypertrichosis: focal lumbosacral, lanuginosa, and congenital. In hypertrichosis lanuginosa, hair growth is uniform throughout the body, except on the soles of the feet and on the palms of the hands. The hair is sufficiently fine and silky in this disease. In this kind of hypertrichosis, the most common thing is that the person has contracted this genetic abnormality since birth, however, it can show up later. In certain cases the amount of hair decreases, although it is never possible to remove it completely.

In hereditary hypertrichosis, affected people have thicker hair, mostly in the face area. At this time, it is known that this problem is directly linked to an alteration in the X chromosomes. Lumbosacral hypertrichosis, on the other hand, is also distinguished by the name of faun's tail. Which refers to the growth of hair in the lumbosacral area. This characteristic of hirsutism is shown at the moment of birth and extends into adulthood.

Hypertrichosis can originate as a sequel to having ingested some anabolic drugs, due to metabolic disorders or as a prelude to the appearance of cancer.

But the most common are congenital and hereditary, which are what we usually call Werewolf Syndrome.