
What is critical? »Its definition and meaning


The word critical is a term that is widely used in our language and that we apply to refer to various problems.

We call a critic a person who makes criticisms about an issue or thing with the aim of making it better or worse. An example is "his father is his great critic, he is always telling him what he needs to improve in his professional performance."

The objects of journalistic criticism are all those contents and cultural or artistic manifestations such as: books, films, plays, television programs, albums, sports competitions, among others.

Meanwhile, the professional who performs this type of work is popularly known as a critic, who exposes in his criticism those positive and negative questions that he observes in the work in question and that finally energetically argue what he holds in it.

Although the critic will always express an opinion, a personal judgment in his criticism, he should try to be as balanced as possible when doing so and never allow himself to be defeated by personal issues. Respect is also important, that is, even when your criticism is one of the most unfavorable, you should always be careful and be careful not to hurt those you criticize.

It is worth mentioning that a criticism is the opinion, the judgment, that a person makes, is formed in relation to a topic, a situation, a work of art, a person, among other options.

The concept of criticism has certain negative connotations when the attitude of those who tend to negatively qualify a person behind their back. Imagine this behavior being performed by a co-worker with another team member. In these types of cases, these criticisms do not provide positive value for communication, nor do they help to improve the world. On the contrary, the critic defines himself and not the person who has taken as the object of his comments.

These constructive criticisms are intended to reinforce the perfection of the Doctor's work, since the professionals who are part of a thesis panel are experts in the subject of the theses that they are going to analyze, therefore, they have much to contribute from their knowledge and experiences.

Critical thinking is a process that helps organize or order concepts, ideas, and knowledge. This type of thinking is used to arrive at the correct position one should have on a subject in the most objective way.

In the precise case of literature, literary criticism will be called the discipline, activity, which deals with analyzing and then evaluating, either positively or negatively, a literary work. And as a consequence of the above, the text through which a literary critic expresses himself through a written or oral means of communication, evaluating and giving opinions on the characteristics of a specific literary production, is also called literary criticism.